
Atom heart mother suite theme horn
Atom heart mother suite theme horn

After Syd Barrett was kicked out in 1968, Pink Floyd found it hard to construct solid albums and to match the success of their debut and the singles formed by Barrett. Despite the Floyd's dislike, the album isn't as bad as it's painted by various sources, and is certainly not the worst Pink Floyd album.Ītom Heart Mother was released in 1970, Pink Floyd still in their experimental prime and ready to tinker even more with modern music. But really, Atom Heart Mother isn't that much of a lazy alcoholic. So is this album the wino that's too lazy to move out, out of the children? In the Pink Floyd's eyes, yes. Now generally parents don't play favourites with their litter, but poor little Atom Heart Mother has been singled out by them as one of their worst albums. The latter is a result of going into a studio and recording a bunch of songs. One of them is the result of gettin' it on. The members of Pink Floyd have two sets of children.

Atom heart mother suite theme horn